The Film Might Be White
Sebastian Johansson Micci
Sweden Ι 13′ Ι 2023
A final feedback meeting is being held prior to the release of an art school’s new commercial. Everyone is happy, but then a thought arises as to whether the commercial can be perceived as too white. The meeting suddenly escalates into a debate about how it happened, if it can be solved and above all – whose fault it is.
Director: Sebastian Johansson Micci
Writer: Sebastian Johansson Micci
Director of Photography:Maja Dennhag
Cast: Anna Azcárate, Jessica Liedberg, Mattias Silvell, Carita Ivanova
Awards & nominations:
FEST International Film Festival 2021 – Best Film, Critics award
Sofia International Film Festival 2021 – Special Mention
Venice Film Festival 2020 – Best film /Label Europa Cinemas/
Zagreb Film Festival 2020
Bergen International Film Festival